November - Gratitude

Dear Friends and Readers,

As we move into November, I wanted to write a post about gratitude. Just a couple of thoughts to work our way through the month…

This time of year, makes me think about all the things that I am grateful for, friends and family. My health, and the health of loved ones. This amazing planet. But I wanted to dive a little deeper…and discuss 3 things that I am grateful for and ask ‘ what is on your list’? Think it over, you have a month…so that when you get to the Thanksgiving table, you have really turned it over in your mind, and have something to share. For some of us, there are so many things to choose from, for others maybe just one or two thoughts spring to mind. Where ever you are on the gratitude spectrum, may I say to you: Let November be a month, that you contemplate gratitude. It might surprise you to see what thoughts come to mind…Oh and let’s get one thing settled right now: your gratitude list doesn’t have to be lofty or epic, it can mean only something to you, and not have any ‘world impact ‘ on others…..YOU ARE FREE TO BE GRATEFUL FOR WHATEVER YOU WANT TO BE GRATEFUL FOR….

Here are my 3:

  • My hubby: He lets me be me, everyday…and that is quite a tall order with a red headed, Aquarius wife. Thanks for showing me the power of love everyday!

  • My health: After having had a number of health issues through my 30’s and 40’s it is nice to finally feel like I have some things that work for me, both nutritionally and mentally. This has been a long time in the making….through nutritionists, doctors, acupuncturists and a lot of reading. But this is not just what I put in my body, this is also about what I put in my mind and soul. A couple of things that are working for me now:I try to limit my news intake, and prefer to read the news these days rather than watch it. I try to limit my social media contact to relatively small amounts of time. I also try to meditate and put as many positive images into my mind and soul as possible - I believe this also help me attain better health overall.

  • My friendships: I have a dear friend in Chicago and another in California. Both has been long term love affairs, due to their kindness and understanding. I am constantly learning about friendship, and hope that every year, I become a better friend, and not just to people I know, but kind to those I don’t. This is a big work in progress……

PS +1, I am so grateful for the time that I got to spend with my cat and dog this year - both who passed away. They brought me so much love, and kindness, they gave me purpose, joy and laughter. Too all our furry friends and the love they give to us unconditionally!!

If you have a moment write down what your grateful for and if you can watch the Brene Brown’s video below….

Happy November!