Dames That Dish

A green beauty-style blog for the 40+ crowd…..

Dames that Dish is the brain child/blog of Tara S., an actor, director and cosmetic junkie.

Tara was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease while in her 30’s and began to wonder about the correlation between what we put on our bodies and the effect on our overall health.

She was also curious about why there were so few blogs that focused on the needs of older women and women of all nationalities and that was how Dames that Dish was born.

We hope on these pages to create a community of women who will either: A) Find answers to questions that we don’t often feel comfortable asking, B) Share a laugh about a mutual life moment and finally C) Become and ‘encourager’ for women to find their own voice in the aging process. We also hope, that with this blog, to open up the Green Beauty Industry to all women, so that we can make beauty and health synonymous.

Hence the title of this blog: Dames that Dish – ‘Dames’ or women of a certain age who are finding their way, and that are sharing or ‘dishing’ about their experiences with one another.

……. 'There is nothing like a dame...nothing in the world'……

— Roger's and Hammerstein.
