Too Many Steps for Beauty?

A Beauty Editor’s 19 Step Evening Beauty Routine

As we delve more into skincare - let’s talk about how many steps is too many for gorgeous skin…..

Recently during my stay at home regimen I have been watching a lot of videos on skincare and makeup. As in previous posts I have even shared some of my favorite finds such as: Harper’s Bazaar Go To Bed With Me video series - particularly when it comes to older celebrities and their skin care regimes - I must say I am fascinated. But then I came across the video above and was totally shocked. In the above video it shows a young Beauty Editor using 19 products during her daily skincare regimen. Now there is enough judgement out there on all things big and small - but my first thought was - how does one find the time to do that many steps? Now to be fair, Ms. Rosenstein is always trying new products because she is a beauty editor - so it is part of her job to try things and then write and review them. But when is too much = too much.

I myself in the morning have a 4 step process: mist with a hydrosol, then spray on a thermal water, followed by a serum and then ALWAYS a sunscreen. In the evening I use a cleanser (sometimes oil based) at times an exfoliator, a serum and a moisturizer and eye cream. Other times I play and add in a mask or try a beauty tool and or massage. But that usually is about it.

We all know what are skin reacts to and what it needs. And if you are unsure there are always professionals out there (dermatologists and estheticians) that can help you manuever through the tricky skin care process that is best for you to help promote your healthiest skin possible. I would try to steer clear of people that are trying to sell something - that always raises a red flag for me, and also people that work with a lot of big name clients. For me if I was in the market for either of these types of professionals I would look for someone who has a similar philosophy to me regarding skincare: do they use healthy products that I agree with? And/or are they trying to sell me aggressive procedures and products that I don’t need or like. Remember this is your pocket book and your comfort level and most importantly your face. My view is that: If we are on the same page medically and philosophically then we can have relationship - and hopefully a long lasting one. But again this is me.

My mother had stunning skin and used Noxema for most of her life and had no problems. We all need to find the regime and the time to have beautiful skin. Some of us make a living off of the image we present to the world, others just want to present their best selves. Most of us at this age have perfected our routines and know what products cause a reaction on our skin. Read/Research, and talk to people and then do what you think is best for you.

Here is the link to an article that appeared in Shape Magazine…4 Signs You Are Using Too Many Beauty Products

Photo by Nika Akin

Photo by Nika Akin