New Year - New You

by Jaimie Streete

by Jaimie Streete

Well here we are a few days into 2020 and I am wondering what are your New Year’s Resolutions? Some people hate the idea of making new year’s intentions/resolutions but reading online I found a little blurb that might change your thinking about it:

Your New Year's intention is a long-term commitment to your personal growth. It's a step towards living a life that aligns with values and priorities specific to you. Thrive

And in the words of Deepak Chopra - “intentions are the starting point of every dream—the seed of creation.” and from Yoga Journal A well-set intention is a statement of pure, clear, decisive focus that kickstarts the process of aligning your whole being and your whole life to your desire. When you are clear, firm and decisive about your intention for the year ahead, it’s a bit like you’ve placed a cosmic order for what you desire and intend.”

Here are a few of my intentions for 2020:

Love bigger and more: So often I get wrapped up in the minutia of what someone has done, or what I have done - what if I just loved with all my heart? Just love bomb people and drop the small, insignificant stuff? While I am love bombing others - I can’t forget myself - especially in action, thought and speech.

Commit to my health: This intention in my mind is synonymous with trying to make better food choices throughout the day to help my body run in a healthier way. And a commitment to move more: yoga, dance, walking and swimming.

Be open to change and magic: (I heard this was one that Meghan Markle had as a New Year’s resolution on her now defunct Tig website) I so often put the breaks on spontaneity and fun - especially if it is not my idea - let go and let the adventure begin!

Drink more water

Learn to forgive more quickly and move forward: I have been listening to Tara Brach’s course on Insight Timer about Forgiveness and it has been a godsend! Forgiveness heals our own souls and help us to move forward as oppose to being stuck in the past.

Feel free to make more mistakes, fail and then move on from them quicker: It is amazing to me when I read about people like Oprah and how many mistakes she has made - and she is OPRAH!! In embracing mistakes we are able to see how to move forward and get what we want out of life. May I propose that the important learning moment is not staying down after a mistake but getting up, learning and trying AGAIN- here is a great post on people that have famously failed: 48 Famous Failures Who Will Inspire You to Achieve.

Get up earlier and embrace the day: I read the Dolly Parton gets up everyday at 3am to pray/meditate and write music and she is 72!! I can certainly take a page from Dolly’s book - though possibly not quite that early!!

Be grateful:I have been embracing the concept of gratitude for awhile and have been saying my gratitudes both out loud and in written form. Gratitude is something that is so profound in this day and age and reminds us of what is important.

Declutter: I have so many things and not enough space - so what to do? Declutter. Especially clothes and beauty products that I no longer use. Where clothes are concerned I try to give the ones that are in good repair to the Salvation Army or Goodwill. For old beauty products: find a kind way to toss - that doesn’t hurt the environment.

Cultivate an everyday prayer/meditation practice: My practice is haphazard and not consistent. To clear my mind and get more done efficiently I need to focus and (declutter?) my brain with an every day practice. After all it is the gift of breath that I can keep giving myself every day!!

Having a better understanding of recycling and trying to lessen my carbon footprint! I will be honest with you - we have a lot of different recycling options in San Francisco - but I am committed to learning more about how to lessen my carbon footprint and trying to use my green kitchen bin to put food scapes in and not in the trash! Let’s help our planet with little steps every day!!

And of course to keep sharing my insights on green beauty. :)

And lastly a quote from the actress and activist America Ferrera “Celebrate your intentions and meet yourself where you’re at with compassion for everything you’re asking of yourself,” she added. “Go get it!”

Here is the link to the article I quoted above, from Yoga Journal: 3 Secrets for Setting New Year’s Intentions That Work

Let me know what your thoughts are on resolution/intentions and here’s to a safe, happy and wondrous 2020!!

by Danil Aksenov

by Danil Aksenov

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