Apps For Health

While shopping, I routinely reach for my iPhone to check and see if the products that I am buying have any unhealthy ingredients. Since I am not a chemist and know little about chemicals, it is great to have these handy apps as a resource on my phone to help me decipher what I am putting on my skin and in my body and to help me in making informed decisions as a consumer.

As you begin to dive into using some of the apps that are listed below you will see that overall many products are ‘healthy’ - but the scent the manufacturer is using may be toxic. Or sometimes (the companies that make the products) are using a preservative in their cosmetic to help the product have a longer shelf life that could in turn lead to a shorter shelf life for you. Many organic products are now putting in more natural preservatives – but it is your decision as a consumer to decide what you will and will not allow in and on your body.

So here are a few apps that might help you next time when you are out shopping at the beauty counter:

Think Dirty

This free app is easy to use and shows the user their exposure to potentially harmful chemicals in products. I use the Think Dirty app all the time and find it extremely useful. This app works on a rating system with 0 being extremely healthy and 10 being bad for you. You can either scan bar codes or type in the product name for more information prior to purchasing.

Good Guide

With this free app you can search, browse or scan food, personal care and cleaning products. It’s a great app to find products that may have dodgy ingredients , and get informed about the potential health effects of these chemicals. Similar to Think Dirty this app works on a rating system letting you know which products are good and not so good for you.

EWG’s Healthy Living

There are a few ways to use the app to look up food and cosmetic products: You can scan the barcode, browse by product type (EWG verified, Sunscreens, Cosmetic, Food), or search by name. This app is Is extremely reliable in terms of their data, verification, and ingredient knowledge. If you want access to their larger databases, visit their websites: Skindeep Cosmetics database and Food Score.

Detox Me

The free app that walks you through simple, research-based tips on how to reduce your exposure to potentially harmful chemicals where you live and work. They use 5 segments (Cleaning, Children, Food/Drink, Home, Personal Care, Clothing) —and the app also helps you keep track of your process.

Apps for Health

Apps to help you purchase healthier cosmetics and personal care products!

Tara Smollen1 Comment