Beauty Tools


Rose Quartz Roller

Dear Friends and Readers,

A while back while perusing wellness websites I started to notice that a number of beauty bloggers and stars were getting into the habit of using beauty tools: such a rose quartz and jade rollers, metal massagers and various Gua Sha tools. So I decided to find out more info on a some of the devices and if all the hype was really true!

Here is some info that I dug up on the history of these tools:

The origins of the jade beauty roller lie in Chinese history: These beautiful tools were once used by the elite to keep skin beautiful and women ageless. Known as the “Stone of Heaven”, jade was and still is a sought after cool green stone, as beautiful as it is useful. In ancient times, the naturally cool properties of jade were used by Mayans and Egyptians to aid with muscle relief in massage. The rollers are said to have been invented during the Qing Dynasty. Many claim that Empress Dowager Cixi – who was known for her love of jade – used them herself. Though there’s no proof that it was hers, you can see an elegant jade roller set with gold accents in the Palace Museum’s collection. Chinese art of Gua Sha, a cost effective, natural practice used to lift, brighten and rejuvenate the skin with no side effects and without the use of chemicals. Empress Dowager Cixi wanted to be beautiful. She wanted to be a person that everybody admired. She realized that when you look better, you think better and when you think better, you attract better. Yushi gunlun, as they’re known in Chinese, are small handheld wands made of jade used to massage one’s face and undereye. They are purported to assist with lymphatic drainage and depuffing of the skin. It’s also great for smoothing fine lines and tightening skin, according to Karina Sulzer, founder of Skin Gym. Plus, jade reportedly supports lymphatic drainage to flush toxins and bacteria that causes unsightly blemishes. Despite using different crystals, jade, rose quartz, and amethyst rollers all seem like they do the same thing—and one expert says that’s generally pretty true. “In all honesty, the physical impact is very similar. It’s a hard, smooth surface that enables the user to roll and massage over the surface of the skin with a density that won’t crack too easily under heat,” —

Rose quartz Gua Sha and beauty roller tools are also starting to see a lot of action online. As stated above jade is the traditional stone used in Gua Sha tools as they help to balance the yin and yang energy in the body. People also use rose quartz in traditional medicine which is good for balancing heart energy in particular.

Beauty Rollers: "The main difference between jade rollers and gua sha tools is that jade rolling is mainly a lymphatic drainage massage, and gua sha is a fascial [i.e., fibrous tissue] release massage. Think foam rolling, but for your face. ... Their common goal is to promote optimal circulation and lymphatic drainage." - Glamour website.

Now you may ask what about facial massagers? - similar to what we get when having an esthetician massage the skin after a treatment. Here is what I found:

"Massage 'machines' A professional facial massage is like a personal trainer, whereas an (at home) massage device can be thought of as at-home gym equipment. Massaging the facial skin helps to relax the muscles that tend to cause stress lines. The stimulation of the skin results in increased circulation, which ultimately helps produce collagen and elastin. —

So of course I wanted me some of that - and went out and got a massager of my very own!

Currently I am using the Beauty Bar 24K Gold Pulse Facial Massager…….$11.99 which from online reviews is currently all the rage in Japan and Taiwan. A bit about the product: The Beauty Bar 24K Golden Pulse for Skincare - vibrates 6, 000 times a minute (micro vibration), giving the facial muscle a right amount of stimulation in order to achieve a firming effect to improve the skin. It can also reduce wrinkles around eyes, lips, forehead and neck, instantly reshape the face contour to reveal your youthful look and energy! In addition, the 24K gold can beautify the skin, all you need is 2 - 3 minutes per day, then you will be able to easily obtain the firm and radiant skin you always dream of!The natural current which exists inside the body can be affected by pressure and aging, which is the main cause for spots and loosed skin. Since the wavelength of gold ions and living organisms' natural current is the same, a slide of the gold ions on the skin can regulate and balance the bioelectricity, thus promotes metabolism and activates skin cells, giving radiance and elasticity to the skin. - From the website.

I heard about mine on a video that Traces Ellis Ross did on her morning routine - and with the price point being what it was - thought I would check it out. Now let’s be real; it’s not 24K gold - but it is really soothing especially right before bed - and I do believe there is a stimulation to the cells as well as the collagen under the surface.

I love this little massager! Is it a game changer? - I think so. And it really isn’t a serious investment money-wise. However prior to using any of these tools you should use a serum. There are some serums on the market that are specifically designed to go with a corresponding tool. I just use my serums that I put on before bed. I believe that the advantage to using a serum is to create a smoother surface for the tool to work over: similar to paving a road, before a car drives on the surface. Probably the best thing about all these tools, is the time you are spending on you! A lovely ritual to bring the day to a close focusing on you and your beauty - and besides afterwards your skin feels a bit buzzy: fun!!

24K Gold Beauty Massager

24K Gold Beauty Massager

The other tool that I am using is Sephora’s Gua Sha Tool in Rose Quartz……$12.00. I have to say I really love this tool - especially when I put on one of my serums prior! This tool is so easy to use and I really feel like I wake up in the morning with a lot less puffiness - lymphatic drainage? Sure! Also in the reviews online Rose Quartz is also suppose to have a radiance boosting effect on the skin and I believe it! Whatever can halt the spread of time across my face I am all for. A lot of people talk about gua sha tools as something that can be mindless while you are talking to a loved one or watching television. But again I believe it has a lot to do with the ritual aspect of doing something to end the day on a bright note that is all about taking care of your body……

On a side note: please clean your tool prior to every use. Because it is a natural stone you can wash it in warm water with a gentle soap and then go over it with isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol). Just make sure that it is clean prior to every usage because you don’t want to spread bacteria on your face. You can also put it in the fridge or in ice water - to add to the cooling affect before you start your skin care regimen. With a real jade tool or roller you may want to keep them in a silk pouch before storing. Also since these are real stones - be careful not to drop them as they could become chipped or damaged.


Here is a video I found online so that you can see the proper way to use the Gua Sha:

Check out these tools if you are interested in starting your own nightly ritual of skin adoration. And if you have any tools that you are using and would like to share - please do so in the comments below!

Tara S.Comment