MAHALO Skin Care

My skin seems to be dryer these days. I cleanse with oils and then moisturize with more elixirs and serums, but the dryness seems to persist. Now I know that I naturally run dry – as in camel/Sahara Desert dry…but I think this also has to do with where I am in life right now, as I enter my 50’s. My hormones are changing and so is my body, and all this shows up on my skin. Another down side of this whole thing called ‘aging’ is that recently my skin seems to be dealing with some type of rosacea leaving me looking red and flushed when I wake up in the mornings. Help!

One positive where all this change is concerned is that it has given me the opportunity to sample a whole range of new products to see what works for me now, as opposed to a year ago. I am the queen of samples and love to purchase and play with the new products that are out there – sort of the try before I buy technique!

One sample that I am loving right now is Hawaii’s own: MAHALO Skin Care: The Rare Indigo Balm. This magical balm is created one at a time, by hand, and crafted with soothing Hawaiian botanicals. On MAHALO Skin Care ‘about page’ it says that the company is a: botanical-based facial care line, offering high-performance, luxurious skin treatments that target skin inflammations, environmental damage, prematurely aging concerns and offers nutrient-dense support for a healthy, and glowing complexions. Each product is crafted by hand in their studios using ancient Polynesian wisdom with modern day, natural beauty technology.

My new amazing crush is the The Rare Indigo Balm. It is so soothing and lovely and definitely on my ‘to be purchased’ list. A truly high end skin treatment but worth the results. Infused with anti-inflammatory healing herbs, Vitamin C, anti-oxidents and essential fatty acids that help you wake up to a beautiful soft glow. Not red. Thanks to this balm, my skin has quieted down, the red is gone, and now just looks refreshed.

Check out the MAHALO Skin Care The Rare Indigo Balm retailing at $110.00.

*always consult a professional when using products. 

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