Face Balms

I love a face balm - especially in winter - face balms are just the thing to soothe dry, chapped facial skin that is exposed to harsh winter elements. Like a lot of people I was ignorant as to what a balm was when I first started using it. A face balm gives more intense moisturizing than a regular facial cleanser or a stand alone moisturizer and it can be used to combat specific dry or flaking areas on the skin. (Great for those areas around the nose that become inflamed from colds or flu.) And only a small amount of balm is needed to get all it’s benefits

How to Use: A face balm is one product that can be used in two ways: cleansing AND moisturizing - and both can be obtained in one application. To Begin: I find that it is good to warm the product in my hands prior to putting it on the face. Afterwards I wipe the balm away with a warm, damp wash cloth. Nothing further is needed. The leftover product is also a moisturizer - not greasy but nourishing.

The balm I am loving right now is from One Love Organics called Skin Savior - a multitasking wonder balm.. The label says this product is good for all skin types: dry, mature, sensitive, blemish-prone, combination and normal. The ingredients include: coconut oil, mango butter, and jojoba and the scent is a dreamy lemony vanilla….

As always please check the ingredients to make sure they play well with your skins needs. 

Try some One Love Organics today!

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