
I have noticed that my bb cream (shout out to Inika) goes on better when using a brush. And in my mind clean brushes, make all the difference. I myself, let the cleaning of my brushes go for far too long. And what is the result: bacteria and a differentiation from the color you actually want on your face to the color you might be getting…..

But how to clean your brushes?

As a former makeup artist I always thought that the best was to wet the brushes under warm water, and use a drop of shampoo to make a lather. Swirl the brush around in the palm of your hand, and watch as the makeup starts to come off, and then rinse the brush under water until you see the water run clear. Lastly put a towel (paper or cloth) down, and reform the brushes while still wet so that they will dry to their original shape.

makeup brush girl
Tara SmollenComment