Getting Your Glow On

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You might have noticed that, as you age, your skin appears more dull and tired looking than it once did. Losing your natural youthful glow is to be expected as we age. Fortunately, it’s pretty easy to fake a natural one with highlighter in order to help you attain that brighter look.

Sometimes we think that more color or definition is key to looking more awake so we add in more bronzer or blush.Unfortunately piling on those two products will only make us look harsher and in turn: older. Unless you go to beauty school or watch a thousand YouTube videos - in my estimation - these two product will not give u the glow you are seeking. Keep your blush and bronzer application minimal and illuminate your face using a highlighter or luminizer instead. There are two ways to add highlights: One is by mixing a few drops of liquid highlighter into your foundation or daily moisturizer by doing this you can create a subtle glow to your entire face. 

Now if you don’t want to add anything to your moisturizer ( or adding highlighter to your entire face is not your thing)- then you can do the second method: strategically placing highlighter on certain points of your face, where the sun would natural hit it and cause a subtle sheen. I have included a video from RMS to show you the placement of luminizer by the founder Rosemary Swift - legendary makeup artist. She tends to place the luminizer towards the outer corner of the eye. I see so many people drawing a line of highlighter towards their nose which can lead you to look like Adam Ant’s war paint look from the ‘80’s. A good look for him - not so sure it is one for us. Remember ladies - subtle is key and blending is your friend. A few small drops below the corners of your eyes, above your cupid’s bow, and the inner corner’s of the eye, is really all you need. I also put some between my eyebrows to detract from the crease line that has formed from years of squinting.

A couple of products that I tend to use sparingly are: Inika Light Reflect Cream and RMS Living Luminizer to help me look alive. I also sometimes add into my moisturizer or BB Cream the Dr. Hauschka Illuminator (which I currently own) and which seemed to have been a limited edition product - hopefully they will bring it back soon.

Inika Orgnanic Light Reflect Cream - retail $28.00 - This is a product that I have reviewed previously. It has a subtle pink tinge to it - so it isn’t as harsh as other highlighters that only come in a pearly white. In a recent video on Youtube that I watched the person doing the video: just put some ‘tiny’ drops of the product in almost the corner of her eye - ahead of her blush - to achieve a soft, almost dewy sheen.

RMS Peach Luminzer Retail - $38.00 - Is another one of my go to products And as one of the reviews stated this is a soft - not too white glow to add to your highlighting arsenal. Especially good if you have warm undertones rather than blue in your skin. Being the makeup junkie that I am I also have the Master Mixer a coppery color which I also use as a subtle eye color and the living luminizer which I will review at another time.

RMS Beauty Luminizers

RMS Beauty Luminizers

Check out Rosemary Swift’s video on highlighter placement to help those of us struggling with where to put our glow.

Happy Highlighting!

Tara Smollen