The Lip.....

What is lipstick and how did this whole thing start with coloring our mouths? Ancient Sumerian men and women probably started the lipstick craze about 5,000 years ago by crushing gemstones to decorate their lips and eyes. Cleopatra crushed bugs (beetles?) to create the color of red on her lips and other Egyptians - both men and women - used it to show social status. About a 1,000 years ago, the Chinese were using beeswax to protect the delicate area around the mouth. And in the 19th century, American’s used carmine dye made from cochineal (a little bug found on the aloe vera plant) to get red dye, and by mixing that with aluminum or calcium salts – came up with a red type of stain for the lips.

Whatever form it comes in: whether it be gloss, lipstick, lipstain or balm – I LOVE COATING MY LIPS!

One product that that I am loving right now:

Vapour Velvet Lip Gloss, by Vapour Organic Beauty – the colors I am using: Bliss and Harmony. They feel great going on, they taste well actually good and they seem to stay on a bit longer than other lip glosses – and they are organic all the way!!

Healthy for my lips, me and the universe….what could be better?

*always consult a professional when using products. 
